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Philadelphia Metropolitan Area Real Estate Law Blog

Tag: Taxes

Program allows financially vulnerable to repay property taxes in installments

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Real Estate Law on Mar 8, 2013.

After the Philadelphia Office of Property‘s recent release of residential real estate valuations, the City of Philadelphia is encouraging low-income residents to participate in the Department of Revenue’s Real Estate Tax Installment Program. The program allows qualified homeowners to pay their current property tax bills in eight monthly installments without suffering any penalties.

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Plan to redevelop Reading Viaduct faces hurdles

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Development on Oct 21, 2011.

Philadelphia city officials and supporters from the three-block branch of the Reading Viaduct-an abandoned railway that operated from 1893 to ‘984-have reportedly come up with a development plan intended to revitalize the area. The project is reportedly being led by the Reading Viaduct Project.

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