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Tag: Planning

2012 a busy year for Philadelphia planning and development, P.2

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Development on Dec 26, 2012.

In our last post, we began to speak about the variety of planning and development activity that has taken place in Philadelphia in the last year. As we noted last time, it was a busy year, particularly with respect to the Delaware Riverfront and district level planning.

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2012 a busy year for Philadelphia planning and development, P.1

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Development on Dec 22, 2012.

Kellie Patrick Gates of PlanPhilly recently commented on the busy year in Philadelphia in terms of planning and development. Overall, it was a busy year, particularly with respect to planning around the Delaware River and district level planning.

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‘Lower Schuylkill’ presents opportunities, perhaps challenges, for development

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Development on May 29, 2012.

According to Philadelphia development planners, the six miles along the Schuylkill River, from University City to Philadelphia International Airport, is valuable from a commercial development perspective and represents 68 percent of the city’s underutilized and vacant industrial land. At present, the land is filled with refineries, utilities, scrap yards and freight rail.

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2011 was busy planning year for Philadelphia officials, P.2

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Development on Jan 4, 2012.

In our previous post, we began recounting the various development projects that have been planned in the last year. We have already mentioned the city-wide comprehensive plan that was adopted back in June, individual district development plans, and plans for the Central Delaware Waterfront.

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