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Tag: Philadelphia

Commercial real estate market picking up in Philly?

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Commercial Real Estate on Jul 9, 2013.

Philadelphia, like just about every other major metropolitan area in the country, has suffered from a lagging real estate market as ripples of the Great Recession continue to affect potential buyers and sellers of property. But, a few recent high profile commercial real estate transactions in Philadelphia could indicate that the market is again on the upswing.

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Dog days ahead for Philly business thanks to unlikely source

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Development on Oct 31, 2012.

When the franchise owner of Central Bark, a day care facility for – you guessed it – dogs went looking for financial help in relocating her small business she received support from an unlikely source. That source is an almost 55-year-old nonprofit economic development organization that has been linked to some of Philadelphia’s most ambitious building projects. We are referring to the Comcast Stadium and the repurposing of the Navy Yard, among others. The president of Philadelphia Industrial Development Corp. doesn’t even have a dog.

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Philadelphia commercial real estate sees new trends

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Commercial Real Estate on Sep 9, 2011.

There are many discouraging stories about the economy these days, especially involving real estate development and construction markets. Development for both housing and shopping centers has been declining for the past several years. However, some developers believe that they have found ways to capitalize on the commercial real estate trends in Philadelphia. Many developers are moving their focus from new development to existing properties.

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Five-horse Philadelphia home violates zoning permits

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Land Use & Zoning on Aug 23, 2011.

Horses within the Philadelphia city limits may seem odd and five horses may seem even odder, but a family on Pontiac Avenue in Southwest Philadelphia has been keeping horses in their backyard for the past 10 years. At first the couple had one horse, but now they have three ponies and two horses all living in an urban backyard. While they initially sought the approval of their neighbors before they bought the animals, their neighbors are growing increasingly frustrated with the smell. After years of complaining to officials, the couple has received two violations for failing to get variances from the zoning ordinance that prohibits a backyard stable.

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Philadelphia museum project nears completion

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Development on Jul 15, 2011.

There can be legal obstacles in any construction or development project. Often, the size and the amount of obstacles can increase with the size of the project. Large development projects can take years and years before groundbreaking even starts. The are many items that need to be addressed during a large project, including politics, permits, traffic concerns, zoning, zoning variances, and litigation.

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How the Philadelphia property tax hike can affect leases

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Commercial Real Estate on Jul 8, 2011.

When investing or developing commercial real estate in Philadelphia for the first time, many people are surprised at the complexity of the legal issues that are involved. From laws governing how transfers need to be recorded to adverse possession to title disputes, real estate law can be quite intricate.

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Philadelphia still awaits change to zoning laws

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Land Use & Zoning on Jun 16, 2011.

Whenever you have a construction or development project that you would like to undertake in Philadelphia, having an attorney on your side who is well versed in Philadelphia zoning laws can be vitally important to the success of the project. Zoning agencies can often seem like a thorn in the side of developers, and they can create obstacles that may seem insurmountable without help from a skilled professional.

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