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Tag: nuisance

Hopes dashed for a hot time in Philly as nuisance suit settles

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Development on Jun 5, 2014.

Philadelphia Councilman at-Large Jim Kenney may have been disappointed last week to hear that Huy Fong Inc., the manufacturer of the immensely popular Sriracha sauce, will not be moving here any time soon. Kenney had contacted the company to offer Philly as a new location when he heard about Huy Fong’s dispute with its neighbors. The controversy has taken a dramatic turn or two in the months since we first wrote about it (see here), but Huy Fong and the city of Irwindale, California, announced last week that they have settled their differences.

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One city’s ‘chili’ reception could mean a hot deal for Philly, p2

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Development on Nov 18, 2013.

Philadelphia Councilman at-Large Jim Kenney recently invited a company to relocate here, prompted as much by his dedication to the public interest as his dedication to his cheesesteaks. The company manufactures the very hot, in all senses of the word, Sriracha sauce, and it is in the midst of a court battle with its home city.

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One city’s ‘chili’ reception could mean a hot deal for Philly

On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in Development on Nov 16, 2013.

If city officials are worried about attracting new businesses, especially new manufacturers, to Philadelphia, they should be relieved to know that Councilman at-Large Jim Kenney has a hot prospect: the company that manufactures Sriracha sauce, the extremely popular chili sauce. The company has run into trouble in its current location, and Kenney believes that relocating to Philly would solve everyone’s problems.

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